Automating AWS EC2 Instance Launch with Ansible


This documentation provides a detailed guide to automate the launch and configuration of Amazon EC2 instances using Ansible. Ansible’s integration with AWS simplifies cloud infrastructure management by allowing users to provision, configure, and scale EC2 instances using reusable playbooks.

Key Benefits of Using Ansible for AWS EC2 Automation

  1. Automated Provisioning: Automatically launch and configure EC2 instances as needed.

  2. Idempotency: Ensure tasks are executed only once, avoiding duplication.

  3. Scalability: Scale infrastructure up or down as requirements change.

  4. Simplicity: Manage infrastructure using intuitive YAML-based playbooks.


  1. AWS Account: An AWS account with permissions to launch and manage EC2 instances.

  2. AWS Access and Secret Keys: Required for Ansible to authenticate with AWS.

  3. Ansible and Boto3 Installed: Ansible (with the Amazon AWS collection) and Boto3 (for AWS API interaction) should be installed on your machine.

    • To install Boto3, use: pip install boto3
  4. IAM Role with EC2 Permissions: Ensure an IAM user with permissions to launch EC2 instances.

Step-by-Step Guide to Launch an EC2 Instance with Ansible

Step 1: Set Up AWS Credentials

To grant Ansible access to your AWS account, set up AWS credentials:

  1. Export your AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key as environment variables:

     export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='your_access_key'
     export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='your_secret_key'
  2. Alternatively, configure your credentials using the AWS CLI:

     aws configure

Step 2: Configure Ansible Inventory

Define an inventory to target your AWS environment. Create a hosts file with your localhost entry:


Step 3: Install Ansible EC2 Module Dependencies

Install the necessary collection, which includes modules for interacting with AWS:

ansible-galaxy collection install

Step 4: Write the Ansible Playbook

Create a playbook called launch_ec2.yml with the following configuration to automate EC2 instance provisioning:

- name: Launch EC2 Instance with Ansible
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
    instance_type: t2.micro
    key_name: your_key_pair
    region: us-east-1
    image_id: ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0  # Replace this with the correct AMI ID for your region
    security_group: your_security_group

    - name: Launch a new EC2 instance
        key_name: "{{ key_name }}"
        instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
        image_id: "{{ image_id }}"
        wait: yes
        region: "{{ region }}"
        vpc_subnet_id: subnet-12345678  # Replace with your subnet ID
        group: "{{ security_group }}"
        count: 1
        assign_public_ip: yes
      register: ec2

    - name: Display the instance information
        msg: "EC2 instance {{ ec2.instances[0].id }} launched successfully in region {{ region }}"

Playbook Breakdown

  1. Module: Launches an EC2 instance with parameters such as instance_type, key_name, image_id, and security_group.

  2. Variables: Defined in the vars section to make the playbook dynamic and customizable.

  3. Debug Task: Displays the instance ID and region after a successful launch.

Step 5: Run the Playbook

Execute the playbook to launch your EC2 instance:

ansible-playbook -i hosts launch_ec2.yml

Step 6: Verify the EC2 Instance

To verify that the instance was launched successfully:

  1. Log into the AWS Management Console.

  2. Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.

  3. Check for the new instance under Instances.

Customizing the EC2 Instance Launch

1. Adding Tags

Tags help in identifying instances across a large infrastructure. Add tags to your EC2 instance by modifying the playbook like this:

  Name: "MyAnsibleInstance"
  Environment: "Development"

2. User Data for Instance Initialization

You can use user data to run initialization scripts when the instance launches. For example, to install Apache upon launch:

user_data: |
  sudo apt update -y
  sudo apt install apache2 -y

This will install Apache as soon as the instance is created.

Benefits of Using Ansible for AWS EC2 Instance Automation

  1. Consistency: Playbooks ensure consistent and repeatable instance configurations.

  2. Scalability: Scale infrastructure by adjusting parameters like count to deploy multiple instances.

  3. Flexibility: Customize instances by modifying variables like instance_type, region, and user_data.

  4. Error Reduction: Automate to reduce the likelihood of human error.

  5. Repeatability: Playbooks can be reused, shared with team members, and integrated into larger automation workflows.

  6. Seamless Integration: Ansible integrates well with other AWS services, enabling management of VPCs, RDS instances, and more.


By automating EC2 instance launches with Ansible, you can simplify infrastructure management, making it repeatable, scalable, and error-free. The provided playbook is a starting point you can further customize to suit various needs, whether for small development environments or large production systems. Ansible’s capabilities will save time, reduce complexity, and improve your cloud management practices.