Creating a Jenkins job to send emails, SMS, download YouTube videos, and send WhatsApp messages.

Creating a Jenkins job to send emails, SMS, download YouTube videos, and send WhatsApp messages.

To create a Jenkins job that handles emailing, SMS, downloading YouTube videos, and sending WhatsApp messages, you can follow these steps. Keep in mind that these tasks require specific tools, libraries, and APIs. Here’s a breakdown of each component:


  1. Jenkins Plugins: Install any necessary plugins, like the Email Extension Plugin for email notifications.

  2. APIs and Accounts: Register for and configure access to external services:

    • Email: Configure SMTP settings for sending emails.

    • SMS: Use a service like Twilio or Nexmo to send SMS.

    • YouTube Downloads: Install youtube-dl or yt-dlp to download videos from YouTube.

    • WhatsApp: Use a service like Twilio for WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business API.

Job Configuration Steps

  1. Open Jenkins Dashboard and create a new Freestyle Project.

  2. Configure Email Notifications:

    • In Post-build Actions, add Editable Email Notification if using the Email Extension plugin.

    • Provide SMTP server details, default recipients, and any custom messages.

    • Or, add an Execute Shell step to send email using tools like sendmail, mail, or msmtp if configured.

  3. Set Up SMS Sending:

    • In Build Steps, add an Execute Shell step to send an SMS.

    • Install and configure Twilio’s CLI or use curl for API requests. Below is an example using curl:

        # Twilio SMS Example
        curl -X POST \
        --data-urlencode "Body=Your message here" \
        --data-urlencode "From=+YourTwilioNumber" \
        --data-urlencode "To=+RecipientNumber" \
  4. Download YouTube Videos:

    • Install youtube-dl or yt-dlp on your Jenkins server (e.g., sudo dnf install youtube-dl).

    • In Build Steps, add an Execute Shell step:

        youtube-dl "YouTube_URL" -o "/path/to/save/%(title)s.%(ext)s"
    • Replace "YouTube_URL" with the target URL. You can parameterize this by using Jenkins parameters to make it dynamic.

  5. Send WhatsApp Messages:

    • Use Twilio for WhatsApp or similar services to send messages. Follow the service’s API documentation and add the request to an Execute Shell step:

        # Twilio WhatsApp Example
        curl -X POST \
        --data-urlencode "Body=Your WhatsApp message here" \
        --data-urlencode "From=whatsapp:+YourTwilioWhatsAppNumber" \
        --data-urlencode "To=whatsapp:+RecipientWhatsAppNumber" \
  6. Save and Test the Job.

  7. Trigger the Job to test each service. Check the Jenkins Console Output to verify each step's completion and troubleshoot if necessary.

Security Notes

  • Use Jenkins credentials to securely store API keys and tokens.

  • For API-based integrations (SMS and WhatsApp), use environment variables to pass credentials securely.

This Jenkins job setup will help automate multi-channel notifications and media downloads, enhancing your CI/CD process with seamless communication capabilities.