Deploying a Live Streaming Website on Kubernetes

Deploying a Live Streaming Website on Kubernetes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Prerequisites

  3. Overview of Components

  4. Setup Instructions

  5. Conclusion


This document provides a step-by-step guide for deploying a live streaming website on Kubernetes. Leveraging Nginx RTMP for streaming, FFmpeg for multimedia handling, and Kubernetes for orchestration, users can create a scalable and efficient live streaming platform.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following:

  • A running Kubernetes Cluster (Minikube for local development or a cloud provider like AWS, GCP, or Azure).

  • kubectl installed and configured to manage the cluster.

  • Docker installed to build and manage container images.

  • FFmpeg installed for multimedia streaming (optional for testing).

  • A domain name (optional but recommended for production).

Overview of Components

The following technologies are utilized in this setup:

  • Nginx RTMP Module: Acts as the streaming server, handling incoming RTMP streams and serving them via HTTP.

  • FFmpeg: A powerful multimedia framework for encoding live streams and converting formats.

  • Nginx (Web Server): Serves live streams to users over HTTP.

  • Kubernetes: Manages, deploys, and scales the streaming services.

Setup Instructions

Step 1: Set Up Nginx RTMP Server

1.1 Create Dockerfile for Nginx with RTMP Module

  1. Create a new directory for your project, e.g., nginx-rtmp.

  2. Inside this directory, create a file named Dockerfile with the following content:

     FROM nginx:alpine
     RUN apk add --no-cache ffmpeg nginx-mod-rtmp
     COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
     EXPOSE 1935 8080

1.2 Create Nginx Configuration File

  1. In the same directory, create a file named nginx.conf with the following content:

     worker_processes auto;
     events {
         worker_connections 1024;
     rtmp {
         server {
             listen 1935;
             chunk_size 4096;
             application live {
                 live on;
                 record off;
     http {
         include       mime.types;
         default_type  application/octet-stream;
         server {
             listen 8080;
             location / {
                 root /usr/share/nginx/html;
             location /hls {
                 types {
                     application/ m3u8;
                     video/mp2t ts;
                 root /usr/share/nginx/html;
             location /stat {
                 rtmp_stat all;
                 rtmp_stat_stylesheet stat.xsl;
             location /stat.xsl {
                 root /usr/share/nginx/html;

1.3 Build the Docker Image

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where your Dockerfile is located.

  2. Run the following command to build the Docker image:

     docker build -t nginx-rtmp .

1.4 (Optional) Push to Docker Registry

If using a remote Kubernetes cluster, push the image to a Docker registry. Replace <registry> with your Docker registry URL:

docker tag nginx-rtmp <registry>/nginx-rtmp
docker push <registry>/nginx-rtmp

Step 2: Create Kubernetes Deployment and Service

2.1 Create Deployment Manifest

  1. In the same directory, create a file named nginx-rtmp-deployment.yaml with the following content:

     apiVersion: apps/v1
     kind: Deployment
       name: nginx-rtmp-deployment
       replicas: 2
           app: nginx-rtmp
             app: nginx-rtmp
           - name: nginx-rtmp
             image: <registry>/nginx-rtmp  # Use "nginx-rtmp" if running locally
             - containerPort: 1935
             - containerPort: 8080

2.2 Create Service Manifest

  1. Create a file named nginx-rtmp-service.yaml with the following content:

     apiVersion: v1
     kind: Service
       name: nginx-rtmp-service
         app: nginx-rtmp
         - protocol: TCP
           port: 1935
           targetPort: 1935
         - protocol: TCP
           port: 8080
           targetPort: 8080
       type: LoadBalancer

2.3 Apply the Kubernetes Manifests

  1. Run the following commands to deploy the Nginx RTMP server and service:

     kubectl apply -f nginx-rtmp-deployment.yaml
     kubectl apply -f nginx-rtmp-service.yaml

Step 3: Stream Video Content

3.1 Push a Stream Using FFmpeg

  1. Use FFmpeg to send a live stream to the RTMP server. Run the following command, replacing <external-ip> with the external IP of your Kubernetes service:

     ffmpeg -re -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -f flv rtmp://<external-ip>:1935/live/stream

3.2 Access the Live Stream via HLS

  1. Open a browser and go to the following URL, replacing <external-ip> with the external IP of your Kubernetes service:


Step 4: Scaling and Managing Your Live Stream Service

4.1 Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

  1. To scale your RTMP server based on traffic, run the following command:

     kubectl autoscale deployment nginx-rtmp-deployment --cpu-percent=50 --min=2 --max=10

4.2 Set Up Centralized Logging and Monitoring

  • Consider using tools like Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK stack) or Prometheus and Grafana for logging and monitoring.

4.3 Set Up Ingress for Domain-Based Access (Optional)

  1. Create a file named nginx-rtmp-ingress.yaml with the following content:

     kind: Ingress
       name: nginx-rtmp-ingress
       - host:  # Replace with your domain
           - path: /
             pathType: Prefix
                 name: nginx-rtmp-service
                   number: 8080
  2. Apply the Ingress configuration:

     kubectl apply -f nginx-rtmp-ingress.yaml
  3. Configure your domain’s DNS to point to your Kubernetes cluster.

Step 5: Advanced Considerations

5.1 Multi-Bitrate Streaming

  • For a better streaming experience, enable multi-bitrate streaming with FFmpeg, transcoding streams into multiple quality levels (e.g., 240p, 360p, 720p).

5.2 CDN Integration

  • For high-traffic production environments, consider integrating a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like Cloudflare or AWS CloudFront.

5.3 Stream Security

  • Implement token-based authentication for RTMP streams.

  • Use HTTPS for secure streaming over HTTP.

  • Control access using Kubernetes Network Policies.


Deploying a live streaming platform on Kubernetes provides a robust solution for handling high traffic and delivering a smooth user experience. With Nginx RTMP as the streaming server, FFmpeg for stream handling, and Kubernetes for orchestration, you can build a reliable and scalable streaming service.