Accessing Logs from CloudWatch using Boto3

Accessing Logs from CloudWatch using Boto3

This documentation provides step-by-step instructions on how to use boto3, the AWS SDK for Python, to access logs from Amazon CloudWatch. The code retrieves and prints logs from a specified log group and log stream.


Before starting, ensure the following:

  1. AWS Account: You need an AWS account with access to CloudWatch Logs.

  2. AWS IAM Permissions: Ensure that the AWS credentials you are using have the following permissions:

    • logs:GetLogEvents

    • logs:DescribeLogGroups

    • logs:DescribeLogStreams

  3. AWS Credentials Setup: Ensure you have set up AWS credentials locally via the AWS CLI or environment variables. You can configure your credentials using the AWS CLI:

     aws configure

    This command will prompt you to enter your AWS Access Key, Secret Access Key, and the default region.

  4. Install Boto3: Ensure you have installed boto3. You can install it via pip:

     pip install boto3

Code Explanation

The following Python code uses boto3 to fetch logs from a specific CloudWatch log stream.

import boto3

# Initialize a session using Amazon CloudWatch Logs
client = boto3.client('logs')

# Specify the log group name and log stream name
log_group_name = '/aws/lambda/my-log-group'  # Replace with your log group
log_stream_name = 'my-log-stream'  # Replace with your log stream

# Function to get logs from CloudWatch
def get_cloudwatch_logs(log_group_name, log_stream_name):
        response = client.get_log_events(
            startFromHead=True  # Set to False if you want the latest logs first

        # Print out the logs
        for event in response['events']:

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error retrieving logs: {e}")

# Call the function
get_cloudwatch_logs(log_group_name, log_stream_name)

Steps to Use the Code

  1. Initialize a Boto3 Client: The code first initializes the boto3 client for CloudWatch Logs using:

     client = boto3.client('logs')
  2. Specify Log Group and Log Stream: You need to specify the log_group_name and log_stream_name. These are the CloudWatch log group and log stream from which you want to retrieve the logs. Replace the placeholders with your actual CloudWatch log group and stream names:

     log_group_name = '/aws/lambda/my-log-group'  # Your log group
     log_stream_name = 'my-log-stream'  # Your log stream
  3. Fetch Logs: The function get_cloudwatch_logs() retrieves logs from the specified log stream by calling the get_log_events method. This method fetches log events, and you can control the order of retrieval by setting startFromHead=True to get logs from the beginning, or startFromHead=False to fetch the most recent logs first.

  4. Print Logs: The logs are printed using:

     for event in response['events']:
  5. Handle Errors: The function includes basic error handling using a try-except block. If there is an issue retrieving the logs, the error message will be printed.

Running the Script

To execute this script:

  1. Replace the log_group_name and log_stream_name variables with your actual CloudWatch log group and stream names.

  2. Run the script in your Python environment.



If successful, the logs from the specified CloudWatch log stream will be printed in the terminal.