Launching ec2 Instance using Terraform

Launching ec2 Instance using Terraform


This documentation provides a detailed guide on how to launch an EC2 instance in AWS using Terraform. Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code tool that allows users to define and provision infrastructure using declarative configuration files.


  1. AWS Account: You must have an AWS account.

  2. AWS CLI Configured: Ensure that the AWS CLI is configured with access keys to manage your AWS resources. You can set it up by running:

aws configure
  • AWS Access Key ID

  • AWS Secret Access Key

  1. Terraform Installed: You must have Terraform installed on your local machine.

Step-by-Step Guide to Launch an EC2 Instance

Step 1: Set Up Working Directory

Create a directory where you will store your Terraform configuration files.

mkdir terraform-ec2
cd terraform-ec2

Step 2: Create a Terraform Configuration File

In this directory, create a file named This file will contain your Terraform configuration for launching an EC2 instance.


Step 3: Define Terraform Configuration

Open the file and add the following code. This configuration defines the AWS provider and specifies the creation of an EC2 instance.

provider "aws" {
    access_key = "AKIAQKPILTGGFYQGB"
    secret_key = "l1AbwwAr1tyGzcXt66d85eYswKLtFxSFVPv"
    region = "ap-south-1"

resource "aws_instance" "myos1" {

    ami = "ami-078264b8ba71bc45e"
    instance_type = "t2.micro"

    tags = {
        Name = "aws task1"
        TEAM = "dev"

Step 4: Initialize Terraform

Before applying the configuration, you need to initialize your working directory. This will download the necessary provider plugins.

terraform init

Step 5: Validate Configuration

You can validate your configuration to check for syntax errors or misconfigurations.

terraform validate

If everything is correct, you’ll see a message like Success! The configuration is valid.

Step 6: Plan the Terraform Execution

The terraform plan command helps you preview the changes that Terraform will make to your infrastructure.

terraform plan

This command will display the resources that will be created (EC2 instance, VPC, subnet).

Step 7: Apply the Terraform Configuration

Once you’re satisfied with the planned changes, apply the configuration to create the resources.

terraform apply

Terraform will prompt for confirmation. Type yes to continue.

Step 8: Verify the EC2 Instance

After Terraform successfully applies the configuration, you’ll see the public IP address of the newly launched EC2 instance in the output. You can also verify the instance by going to the AWS Management Console:

  • Navigate to EC2 Dashboard.

  • Check for an instance named "aws task1".

Step 9: Clean Up Resources

Once you no longer need the EC2 instance, you can destroy the resources to avoid unnecessary charges.

terraform destroy

Terraform will ask for confirmation. Type yes to terminate the EC2 instance and other resources.

Key Terraform Commands:

  • terraform init: Initializes the working directory with provider plugins.

  • terraform plan: Previews the changes that Terraform will make.

  • terraform apply: Provisions the infrastructure as per the configuration.

  • terraform validate: Validates the syntax and configuration.

  • terraform destroy: Deletes all resources created by Terraform.


This documentation provides a complete guide to launching an EC2 instance in AWS using Terraform, including creating a VPC and subnet. You can use Terraform to automate infrastructure deployment and manage AWS resources efficiently.